Providing investigative due diligence, Synergy Intelligence helps our clients mitigate the risk in any transaction, allowing them to proceed with confidence and security. Synergy utilizes a worldwide network of databases and industry connections to compile a comprehensive profile of our client's specified subject of research. Additionally, Synergy addresses significant factors associated with the subject including unknown risk and reputational honesty.
We help our clients understand how the behavior and reputation of management, shareholders, and regulators can add to or undermine value in a business. Whether it's senior-level hires, business partners, or investors, there are potential risks in dealing with the unknown. Our research focuses on arming our clients with sufficient knowledge to make decisions that will protect their organization.
Our services:
- Evaluate civil and criminal records, bankruptcies, judgments, liens, and regulatory filings
- Perform comprehensive media analyses
- Conduct reputational inquiries with sources in a position to comment on the subject's professional qualifications and personal nature
- Administer in-depth interviews, focusing on work style, track records, ethics, and skill sets